Letter from the Recruitment Chair

Hi everyone!

My name is Maddie Strieffler and I am the recruitment director for Tri Sigma! Going through sorority recruitment is going to be the most amazing experience! You will meet your best friends for life. They will uplift you, support you and always have your back. Trying to find your home away from home is hard, but I promise every single one of you will find yours. As much as you’re probably sick of hearing “trust the process,” I can’t stress it enough. Everything happens for a reason and you will end up right where you are supposed to be. I encourage all of you to approach this process with an open mind and to embrace the journey. You are amazing, and will make an amazing impact within Greek life here at James Madison University. Get ready for this journey filled with sisterhood, laughter, and lifelong friendships! I cannot wait to meet you all!

Maddie Strieffler

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